[Gatesedge] Sam Houston Folk Festival

John Reuter jareuter1066 at sbcglobal.net
Sun Apr 17 11:33:33 PDT 2011

We holding a demo at the
 Sam Houston  Folk Festival the last weekend of this month. We will like to invite the wonderful populace of the Great Shire of Gates Edge to our demo. I am offering crash space, tent space and BBQ with beverages of all sorts after the Saturday Demo. Sunday morning we will have breakfast pancakes and waffles before we head back to the short wrap up from 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm. By showing up in garb, you will receive free admission.
We will have open field challenges in the tourney arena from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Armor inspection will be at 9:00 am. We also would love to see the A&S projects that Gates Edge populace are working on. Static displays and folks who like to share what they are working on are encouraged to come out! With Free Crash Space, free food and beverages and free admission what more can we offer to share this wonderful weekend together?

Your inviting host.

Baron Brian du Val 
In service to
HE Pasquale and HE Giovanna,
The Baron and Baroness of 
Raven's Fort.

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