[Gatesedge] What are we doing next Sunday for Herbalist Guild?

BURNS, DARLENE 2 dburns2 at kleinisd.net
Mon Apr 18 09:35:04 PDT 2011

Hey Gang!

Herbalist Guild meets next Sunday at 2 pm at my home, Stadfesta. We are
researching and trying to recreate some period cosmetics...without the
lead or arsenic. 

Cosmetics were important in many times and places and NOT just for
women. In many periods and cultures that we recreate, the men wore just
as much cosmetics if not more, than the women did!

So do a little research and bring out what you've found and let's see
what we can come up with to share knowledge on this subject. Then we can
decide exactly what we would like to recreate.

One thing I've been research is kohl, an eye cosmetic used since
Egyptian times to "cool the eye and enhance its glance". Some kohl's
contain lead but I've found recipes that use all sorts of methods. The
one I like involves almonds. It is a very simple process and so I
thought we might take a few almonds and see what we can come up with. 

If you want to take some kohl that we make home with you, please bring a
very small container such as a snack bag or smaller as you don't make
much at a time. We will also be carving some "kohl sticks" that are used
to apply the kohl and methods that are used to put it on.

Hope to have you put this on your calendars and come on out after church
and dinner!!! If you need directions, email or call me 281-413-6194.

"Munerus Ultra Sanitas"

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