[Gatesedge] Heather Dale House Concert Sunday May 1

David Jurgens djurgens at swbell.net
Mon Apr 25 14:19:10 PDT 2011



Come join Lissa and I for an afternoon of music and friendship as we host a
house concert featuring  Heather Dale and Ben Deschamps.  Many of you have
heard them at events such as Gulf Wars or Pennsic.  Some of you have not had
the opportunity and this will be a great chance to do so.  You can find more
information about Heather and Ben at www.heatherdale.com.


The concert will be on Sunday afternoon from 3:00 to 5:00 at our house in
West Houston.  We will be providing light snacks but feel free to bring
something to share if you like.  Lemonade, iced tea, coffee and water will
be provided.  There is not a cover charge but a suggested donation of $10 to
$15 will be appreciated.  Heather and Ben will also have plenty of copies of
their CDs available for sale.


We are asking that you please RSVP by email to djurgens at swbell.net or by
calling 713-690-5434.  I will either email back the address and map link or
give it to you over the phone.  We have plenty of room but we need to have
an idea of the number so that we have plenty of snacks and drinks.


If you have contacts with other groups that have an interest in Folk/Celtic
music, please feel free to either forward this email or send the contact
information to me and I will send a targeted email.




Godwin and Lissa 

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