[Gatesedge] Fw: Fiber College, July 23, Tyler, TX

Carolyn Young caitlin37 at comcast.net
Sun Jul 3 15:12:02 PDT 2011

To all of the fabric mavens on the list,

If you're not doing anything on July 23, this might be of interest.

Caitlin, Carolyn, Lyn, Mom, Grandma
So much to do; so little attention span.....

From: Carolle Ternus 
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2011 2:48 PM
Subject: Fiber College, July 23, Tyler, TX

            Greetings to Seneschals and Chroniclers,

            Attached is a flyer for the Fiber College, July 23.  I am hoping you can include it in your newsletters or share with your populace some other way.  Please notice that the website on the Ansteorran online calendar and on this flyer has changed from what is in the Black Star.

            Please contact me if I can help in anyway.

            Please notice that the webpage has changed from what it was previously.

            If I have sent this missive and flyer to past seneschals or chroniclers, I do apologize, but as I went by the contact information in the Black Star, you should contact the new Kingdom Chronicler with updates.

            Thank you,
            Radegund of Tours
            Co-event steward
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