[Gatesedge] Black Death T-shirts

Darlene Burns annescvb at gmail.com
Fri Jun 17 13:13:28 PDT 2011

Greetings to the Shire!

I purchase a lot of things from Northern Sun. In the catalogue that came
today is a great T-shirt. The shirt is black with orange lettering. On the
front it says "Black Death (picture of a big rat) European Tour-1347-1351.
On the back it says, "European Tour-1347-1351"  and then lists the
following"Crimea, Rhine Valley, Calais, Dorset, Bristol, London, Yourkshire,
Milan, Flanders, Tuscany, Aragon, Catalonia, Languedoc, Barcelona, Castile,
Canterbury, Bordeaux,East Anglia"

I am putting together a list of people and sizes who would like to get one
of these. Folks can give me cash or a check and we get a 10% discount for 6
or more; 20% discount for 12 or more, plus the shipping would be a lot
cheaper. I'd at $1 for the shipping for each shirt ordered and it will more
than cover it. It would cost you $7 to order 1 shirt by yourself.

Cost of the shirt is small to XL-$20; 2X-21.50; 3XL-$23.00
Long sleeves-small to XL-$22; 2XL-23.50.

There is also a 12"X18" poster for $8 if you were interested in that.

Thorgard and I are purchasing one for each of us to wear during set-up
Friday night. I would put in the order the day after our July populace
meeting so they would come in for distribution at our August populace

Write me back if you are interested. I've also advertized this on the shire
Facebook page. If you want to see what it looks like, point your browser to
"Munerius Ultra Sanitas"
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