[Gatesedge] Bring Out Your Dead! 2.0 Plague Rats Revenge

Darnell Daniels dmage121 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 16 07:14:38 PDT 2012


It is official. We are on the calendar. Bring out Your Dead 2.0 (Plague Rats Revenge) will be Nov 8-10 2013. I am autocrating this one and encourage the whole Shire to get in on the planning. I need a good site and pile on all your ideas no matter how crazy. We have a year and half to knock this one out of the park. I want it all. I want brewing, A&S, archery, chivalric, dance, bardic... I even want lawn bowling. If we get a site that will allow it I want events running into the night and court is the next morning. We can have a rare occurrence; a feast the night before and a morning court with a Royal breakfast. I will even would even say that if you buy at least two feast ya get breakfast free. Let's think outside of the box and let's get medieval. 

For the Shire!
Robert of Colesford
Herald, Shire of Gate's Edge

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