[Gatesedge] Fw: [Coastal] GW ride Wednesday

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 2 13:19:21 PST 2012

By request, forwarding Caley missive, 
Cheers, Hillary

Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2012 12:08:54 -0600
From: Penny <medicfem at gmail.com>
To: "coastal at lists.ansteorra.org" <coastal at lists.ansteorra.org>
Subject: [Coastal] GW ride Wednesday

Greeting fellow Coastal!

> My other half , Jerry/M'Lord Edward is leaving out Wednesday morning (3/14) of war week in my car from Corpus Christi/ Seawinds. All of our gear is coming with me the week before... so my car will have room for your gear. If anyone is interested in going to half the war and sharing gas. He is looking for a rider. 
> There will be a small detour to drop off Peter, his son, in Spring.
> Phone # 361-944-2088 is Jerry's number or geraldmiddlemist@ yahoo.com
> I would prefer he doesn't make the trek alone.
> Caley
GW War Chirurgeon
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