[Gatesedge] X-mas Party

Darnell Daniels dmage121 at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 30 17:39:32 PST 2012


I got my dates mixed up and made the event on Facebook for the wrong date. The Shire X-Mas party is on the 15th not the 8th. I have updated the event site. This gives everyone an extra weekend to get themselves ready. 

Sorry for the confusion.

For those that don't do Facebook here is the info

12514 Avery Vale Ln Houston, TX 77014

The party to start at 5:00 p.m. and run until the last person leaves. There will be a gift exchange. Standard fare with a $10 limit. Please keep the gifts tasteful and remember that not everyone drinks. Bring a dish or dessert Aell and I will provide the meats.Parking is limited (cul de sac) so please carpool if you can.

Robert of Coleford.

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