[Gatesedge] Required dates filled

Pamela D. Kendrick pkendrick at kendrick.dyndns.info
Mon Nov 5 10:47:48 PST 2012

Unto the stellar populace of the Shire of Gates Edge do I, your
Seneschal send greetings and felicitations!


I have received word that the 45 weekends required for the calendar have
now been filled.  I learned this past weekend that we are no longer
allowed only one calendar event per year, so I put this idea forward to
you all to consider prior to our next populace meeting.


We can get land for an event at any state park and hold an event so long
as we don't shoot anything with arrows.  With that in mind does anyone
have any ideas for an event that would allow for other types of


Consider if you will and bring all ideas to populace next,



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