[Gatesedge] FW: [Ansteorra] Nov 10th Boyscout demo. Volunteer's needed!

Pamela D. Kendrick pkendrick at kendrick.dyndns.info
Sun Oct 14 08:09:17 PDT 2012

As per last night’s discussion, here’s the info on the boy scout demo.  

-----Original Message-----
From: ansteorra-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org [mailto:ansteorra-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Elizabethe Closet
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2012 2:57 AM
To: elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org; ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Subject: [Ansteorra] Nov 10th Boyscout demo. Volunteer's needed!


November 10th is the Elfsea Boy Scouts Demo at the Texas Motor Speedway, at which will be show casing what the SCA is all about. I am asking for volunteers to help with this massive undertaking - the Boy Scouts are expecting eight thousand people in attendance! It’s a great opportunity to bring new people into the SCA and get people interested in our very special hobby.

Volunteers: Ren Fridenberg (Katrine la Escolpiera) and I are in charge of the Arts and Sciences display and we would like as many static displays as possible. Each display will get two feet, three displays per table. We want each display to have a table cloth (provided by the artisan if possible). We also will need all the artists to be with their display during the two A&S time slots (11:00 am-12:00 noon and 3:00-4:00 pm). We would also ask that volunteers give a 15 minute class on their work during those times.
We have a minimum of six tables (18 slots) allotted for artisans and we'd like to fill all of them them. If we get more volunteers, even better - we can get more tables. 

Meals: There is also a meal plan available for all volunteers: only $20/person for the entire weekend! It covers dinner Friday, three meals Saturday, and breakfast Sunday. If you are only present on Saturday, it is still $20. Money is due by Elfsea's October Moot (October 22nd). If you are not able to attend but still want to be a part of the meal plan, please make arrangements with someone who will be there. 

Camping: All volunteers need to let us know if they intend to camp. Wristbands will be provided for campers which exempt them from gate fees, only they have volunteered in advance. Please contact Daralynn Bailey-Brittain (Elspeth de Stervlen) with your tent's dimensions. 

More event details: There will be Chivalric, Rapier, Archery, and Thrown Weapons demos. It is a big event and we will not be the only ones in attendance. When you are not on duty, you are welcome to wander and experience everything that is on offer. 

Please help us put our best foot forward and showcase the SCA in the best possible light. We cannot do it without YOUR help.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the the appropriate coordinator:

Artisans: Lady Elizabethe De Salisbiry (elizabethescloset at Yahoo.com) Tent Information and General Volunteering: Lady Elspeth de Stervlen (elspeth013 at hotmail.com)
Heraldic: Herr Andreas von Meißen (scamiz at gmail.com) Chivalric Combat: Lord Edwin De Brus (jdhogtexas at earthlink.net) Rapier Combat: Lord Niall the Silent (rick.dalby at gmail.com) Thrown Weapons and Archery: Don Sebastian Eton Frobishire (sebastianf at sbcglobal.net)
In service,

Lady Elizabethe De Salisbiry
Elfsea Minister of Arts and Sciences
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