[Gatesedge] Stargate Scribes - Sunday, Sept 1st, 5:30-8pm

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 28 18:13:01 PDT 2013

Stargate's Scribe's Guild on Sunday's, late afternoon. 
Welcome to 2013, guild meetings usually held the 1st and 3rd Sundays, 
from 5:30-8pm, at (HEB's) Central Market Community Room

Sept 1st, Sunday- Central Market 

Central Market is located centrally in Houston at: 
3815 Westheimer, Houston, TX 77027
(Westheimer near Weslayan, inside Loop 610)
(food and drink available in the deli, - 
food may not be brought in from outside the store).

IF you plan to attend, please RSVP!!!
I'll have some vellum to play with from KWHSS!
PS - if I get no RSVP's, I'll cancel, so let me know!

As always - Charter Painting!! - 
Let's help the kingdom build up their supplies of charters!

Bring your paint supplies or some loaner items will be provided. 
Cheers, Hillary
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