[Gatesedge] Officers Report for Populace 7/9/2013

Chronicler of Gate's Edge chronicler at gatesedge.ansteorra.org
Tue Jul 9 07:43:10 PDT 2013

Hospitaler report:

I finally got access to the Hospitaler email account, feel free to contact
me there at any time.

I will see everyone at the next fighter practice.

Lady Grania O’Mora

Chronicler report:

I haven’t had access to the Shires Face book page to add anything about the
Newsletter. Even now the posts are

Moderated….  I did create a new Face book page just for the Newsletter
where I put July’s edition without any problems.

It is still a closed group but open for all of its members.  I emailed our
web minister so hopefully it will be up on the web site

If it’s not already there. I have been in touch with the Kingdom Chronicler
so the newsletter should reflect a few changes.

Many of our Web sites have been compromised making reporting and
communication a bit slow but it all will be fixed soon.

If you want to be featured in Rolfs Room  in up and coming editions just
let me know.

Lord Rolf Gruenwald

Lord Rolf Gruenwald
Gatesedge Chronicler
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