[Gatesedge] BIG REMINDER!!

Darlene Burns annescvb at gmail.com
Sat Jul 27 13:30:42 PDT 2013


BIG REMINDER! The Shire Work Day is tomorrow, all day, from 10 AM until we
are too tired to deal anymore. I will have Sweet and Unsweet Iced Tea, Ice
Water, Icee Pops, Coffee. We will grill hot dogs about 1 PM for those who
are there. Bring snacks and stuff to share. Don't worry about chairs, we
have plenty. Sunscreen stuff although we are going to be under the carport
for the most part. AC for when we get too warm. Starting at 10 AM but feel
free to call or come by anytime. This is happening at The Frog Pond, 36802
Lower Lake Lane, Magnolia, TX 77354. Call 281-413-6194 or PM me here on FB
if you need directions or get lost.

"Munerius Ultra Sanitas"
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