[Gatesedge] Our Shire's Yule Revel

Darlene Burns annescvb at gmail.com
Mon Jul 29 09:39:42 PDT 2013


Looking ahead at the calendar, I am thinking I would like to host our Shire
Yule revel this year unless y'all think my house is too small...We can set
up pop-ups on the deck and folk can sit outside to smoke and chat...It
might be cold but then again, I'm known December to be 70 degrees at night
and 85 in the daytime. I've had 30 at my home at one time using the deck,
front room and kitchen. If you think my home is too small (yet...someday,
there will be an extension) and it won't hurt my feelings if you say it
is...I'd like to see someone say they will host it and pick a date soon
before all the weekends are filled and people have other
commitments...Stargate Yule is already up for the 1st weekend in

"Munerius Ultra Sanitas"
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