[Gatesedge] A Day of Competition and Camaraderie at the Stargate/Loch Soilleir Co-Baronial

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 15 09:48:28 PDT 2014


In addition to our the chivalric, rapier and archery championships on Saturday, we are hosting a plethora of special competitions that everyone can be involved with! (I am hoping that my email system doesn't mess up the line breaks.)

First-Plate-Cleared Baked Goods Competition
            Everyone will want a morning snack when they get on site. So, let's see who makes the best morning nosh. Bring a plate or two of your favorite morning baked good and let's see who's plate empties the fastest! Bakers: To participate, please bring your baked goods to the Hospitality Tent in the morning. Eaters: We would love your help in testing our competitor's baked goods. Please stop by the Hospitality Tent and partake in our donation-based bake sale. The Co-Baronial Coffee House will open at 9AM.

Work-In-Progress A&S Competition
            Is your project “in progress”? No worries! Bring it to the Stargate and Loch Soilleir’s Co-Baronial A&S Competition. Documentation is not required but a card telling what it is and what it is going to be is required. So bring what you are working on for people to see and enjoy. If you have any questions please contact Delphina de Champeaux of Loch Soilleir. Correction on time: This will start at 1PM.

Bring-Out-Your-Demo Competition
            What is that you may ask? This is a NEW COMPETITION where you create a display or poster that explains an item/thing/area of SCA Life in order to educate those new to our Society OR new to that SCA area. Think back to when you were new and wished for a bit more knowledge about going to your first event (for example). What if there had been a display/poster at populace or at a demo or newcomer meeting that showed you what to expect, what to bring/wear and who to contact for more information about an event. Another example could be a display/poster for those who may not be new to the SCA but new to an SCA area like A&S competitions or target archery or event stewarding. The purpose is to EXCITE another person about the SCA or a new to them part of the SCA, which in turn makes the SCA more fun for us all. Displays/posters can be a collage of picture that celebrate something in the SCA or a display of objects with
explanation of how we use in the SCA. BE CREATIVE!! In the near future, we would like to use these displays at a demo to help recruit new members.

"The Prized Peel or Son of the Pickle Pilgrim" Bread Making Competition
            "He's back in all his pickly goodness. His bakers peel is his pride but he is ready to give it up for the best bread. Plus in pickle tradition we have asked a new scribe to make a scroll. The pickle needs some bread to share at feast and some for the judges." Bring your bread to enter the contest. Bread due to the kitchen by 3 PM. The only rule is you make it yourself. Every contestant gets a peel token. Kids can enter too, no limit to entries. Then eat everyone's bread with the feast.

Saturday will be a day of
competition and camaraderie. See you then!

 Peregrin Michel
 AKA, Michelle of Stargate
 Humble Autocrat      

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