[Gatesedge] Thank you

Pamela D. Kendrick pkendrick at kendrick.dyndns.info
Sun Feb 16 12:19:42 PST 2014

Well guys, we all did a pretty excellent job at War College!!!!!!!!!


We ran a very tight ship and those who ate exclaimed how great the food
was!!   Big, big thanks to Rolf and Antonio, these guys made it happen
with the catfish and hushpuppies (there was ONE hushpuppy left and I
think probs HE Gwen may or may not have snacked on it).  Cait was the
"gatherer of funds" and loaner of all the small items *I* managed to
forget.  HE Gwen and I ran the kitchen, it went really smooth; we have
decided to do a feast together at some point in the future.



To the next one of us is going to use the Stones kitchen, one word.
Lanterns  J


See you all at populace!



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