[Gatesedge] Gatesedge Digest, Vol 112, Issue 3, Anniversary Event

ciarnat ciarnat at consolidated.net
Wed Sep 2 06:50:04 PDT 2015

Lord Rolf, 
       I will be attending the Anniversary event and would like to 
set up a table for merchanting.  Table size is 5' X 2.5'and may I 
please be located near an electric outlet or at least in extension 
cord distance (maybe 15') to one, if possible?  I plan to sell many 
of my excess items that many SCAers would be interested in:  mugs, 
lanterns, jewelry, misc.  I will also bring some goodies for 
contribution to the prize basket(s) for your event.  

       My last SCA event was in The Outlands in March so I am 
looking forward to attending Gate's Edge's event.

       Any questions?  Please do not hesitate to inquire with me.

       HL Ciarnat of Stargate

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