[Gatesedge] Important announcement!!

Darlene Burns annescvb at gmail.com
Sat Oct 1 18:01:18 PDT 2016

Attention Shirelings! Important news follows!!!

Our Knight Marshal, Thorgard inn Svarti, has asked me to announce to the
shire that this first fighter practice of the Month of October *WILL NOT*
be at the park on Cypresswood. Instead, he invites any who would wish to
practice to make their way to our home in Magnolia from 10 AM to 2 PM. In
this way, he can kill two birds with one stone...hold fighter practice AND
repair the list field posts for our event in one week.

The weather should be the best it has been in 4 months.

36802 Lower Lake Lane, Magnolia, TX 77354. If you need further help or
directions, you can call my cell 281 413-6194.

THIS IS NOT a permanent move. It is a one day change in order to get
everything done that he needs to do.

"Munerius Ultra Sanitas"
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