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<X-FDIS>Riding High</X-FDIS>
<X-TMRK>© Irene Flissinger</X-TMRK>
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<DIV>Greetings unto the Populace;</DIV>
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<DIV>As many of you may know, the community where we have weaving guild each Wednesday evening, had their first Annual Neighbor Fest this last Saturday. It was a huge success. A large part of the reason that it was such a success, was due to the help from the SCA here in this area. </DIV>
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<DIV>Several of our members came and demonstated for the community and also pitched in where needed to help make sure that this function was a success. I would like to thank everyone that came and helped, but I did not get everyone's names. I also may not have your titles correct but for that, please forgive and correct. For those of you whose names I did not catch, if you would let me know who you are, I would sure appreciate it. I do want to thank:</DIV>
<DIV>Mistress Shanahan the Fey, Mistress Kaitlyn McKenna, Sir Rhodri ap Gwythyr, Master Ihon Vinson macFergus, Baroness Hillary Greenslade, Honorable Lady Klare mette Katten, Lady Signy Gandalvsdottir, Lord Thomas Atte Woode, Lady Kemma Delamare, Lady Isabeau Quiquandon, Brianna ferch Rhodri, Alexandria daughter of Rhodri and Kaitlyn, Joanna (Alexa I believe) Alec Wallace McLoud, Giles of Stargate, Gwynhphwyr the Perky, and two young dancers whose names escape me. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for making such a wonderful showing for the SCA. </DIV>
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<DIV>In Service to the Dream,</DIV>
<DIV>Lady Annalies Pferdehirt</DIV></TD></TR>
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