<DIV>Unto Natalia and the Gate's Edge Scribes does Curstaidh Magorlick, Sable Scroll, send greetings!</DIV>
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<DIV>First and foremost, thank you so very much for all the help you all have given in painting award charters! I truly appreciate all the painting and enthusiastic endeavors of your group!</DIV>
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<DIV>Secondly, please keep it up! ; ) There are several more events coming up and it warms the heart to be able to use such good, quality work from your group and guild. </DIV>
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<DIV>With warm regards and hopeful anticipation of painted charters to be turned in, </DIV>
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<DIV>Dame Curstaidh<BR><B><I>Natasha Storfer <natashastorfer@yahoo.com></I></B> wrote:</DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">To the Talented Populace of Gate's Edge,<BR><BR>Looking at our upcoming calander, I noticed that due<BR>to the holidays (and my decision to have a tuesday<BR>off) there are only three more charter painting<BR>meetings before the new year (one a month-October<BR>28th, November 11th and December 9th). However, the<BR>number of events being held is about to increase<BR>vastly as we more towards the holiday season. I<BR>mention this because many awards are given out at this<BR>time of year and I would like to encourage one and all<BR>to come out to participate, if you are able, to assist<BR>with the need for award scrolls. <BR><BR>Also, Yule is quickly aproaching, and with it the<BR>Coastal Regional Scribal Challenge. The note below<BR>was recently sent out, and I also challenge all noble<BR>scribes and artisans to participate:<BR><BR>"In an effort to enrich our Kingdom's
Scribal<BR>community, I am sponsoring <BR>a <BR>Scribal Challenge..for teh scribes in the Coastal<BR>region.<BR><BR>I issue each of you to make new Charters Masters for<BR>either the Kingdom <BR>or the <BR>three Baronies in the Coastal Region. <BR><BR><BR>The Categories are as follows: <BR><BR>Advanced Scribes<BR>Original Kingdom Level Award Blank Charter Master or <BR>Original Baronial Award Blank Charter Master <BR><BR>Beginner Scribes<BR>Original Kingdom Level Award Blank Charter Master or <BR>Original Baronial Award Blank Charter Master <BR><BR>Entries can be a combined effort i.e. one does the<BR>illumination and one <BR>does <BR>the calligraphy. Documentation is required for Kingdom<BR>Level Awards. <BR><BR>All entries need to be to me by Stargate Yule dec 14th<BR>2003. <BR>You can get them to me before hand or bring them the<BR>day of. <BR>I am requesting, all that are going to enter to send<BR>me a letter<BR>stating so by Nove 15th 2003. <BR><BR>Prizes for both levels,
include a wonderfully crafted<BR>Box about 15 <BR>inches tall <BR>by 12 inches wide I think ( it isn't here for me to<BR>measure) With the <BR>Scribe's <BR>badge on the front of it. <BR>Various supplies, and hopefully some books. Also A<BR>Gift Certificate for <BR>either <BR>Texas Art supply or Cheap Joe's. <BR><BR>Please feel free to contact me with any questions.<BR>Lady Lisabetta Micola da Monte<BR>Coastal Region Scribe"<BR><BR>I look forward to seeing you at our meetings and your<BR>entries for the challenge!<BR><BR>In Service,<BR>Lady Natalia Auvert<BR>Head of the Gate's Edge Scribal Guild<BR><BR>__________________________________<BR>Do you Yahoo!?<BR>The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search<BR>http://shopping.yahoo.com<BR>_______________________________________________<BR>Gatesedge mailing list<BR>Gatesedge@ansteorra.org<BR>http://www.ansteorra.org/mailman/listinfo/gatesedge</BLOCKQUOTE>