<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><HTML><FONT COLOR="#400040" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10>Greetings to the Scribes and Illuminators!!!<BR>
If you are going to be attending Raven's Fort Defender Saturday the 18th of September, please come by to meet, greet, discuss and tell us what you would like to see done, not done, suggestions and thoughts for our Scribal Community! <BR>
If you are curious about what we do.....come by.....we can get you addicted!!!<BR>
Baroness Chrystal the Southern Regional Scribe and I will be there, plus chocolate....chocolate....CHOCOLATE!!!<BR>
The time will be approximately 10a.m. or after morning court until the nooning hour.<BR>
Hope to see you there!<BR>
Aylwin Holbrook<BR>
Coastal Regional Scribe </FONT></HTML>