<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><HTML><FONT COLOR="#400040" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10>Greetings to the populace of GatesEdge!<BR>
I hope everyone survived the weather last night.<BR>
At populace meeting we discussed putting a gift basket together for our soon to be King and Queen: Ulstead the Unsteady and Cateau d'Ardennes. Their coronation will be in January, so if we would like to do this we would need to start collecting "pretties" next month.<BR>
If this sounds like a good idea, please let me know. Send me a e-mail.....I would love to have feed back on what ya'll would like to do/contribute. <BR>
Some suggestions last night of things that have been given in the past are:<BR>
Phone cards<BR>
Feast gear<BR>
BooBoo Medicine<BR>
Send me a e-mail!!! Let me know what ya wanna do!! Tell me at the event this weekend! (this would make a good reason to go SHOPPING!!)<BR>
Thank you for your time!<BR>
Yours in service,<BR>
Aylwin Holbrook<BR>
e-mail: fluffy10@aol.com</FONT></HTML>