<DIV><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" color=#4040ff>You can put me down for Thursday I guess.<BR></FONT><BR><B><I>Eadric Anstapa <eadric@scabrewer.com></I></B> wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Greetings All,<BR><BR>Below you will find a list of who has said that they will be in the GE encampment at war. Please check your info and make sure that it is correct and get me any missing information.<BR><BR>I think that everyone said that they wish to participate in the meal plan. Here is the way that works.<BR><BR>Everyone is responsible for their own meals at breakfast and lunch but in the evenings we return to camp and have a group meal. Each person is responsible for providing and preparing the meal and cleaning up on one evening only. The other evenings you just get to sit back and enjoy the meal.<BR><BR>Since we have 12 people that means that we can team up and have 2 person teams each evening Monday through Saturday. Usually we have the early on people cook early in the week, that way everyone arriving in the rush on Monday will find that
the kitchen is already setup and that the folks who arrived early prepared a meal for that day. Other people may have alternate comitments on other nights and be unable to cook, and as the week goes on certain members of staff get busier and busier so we work out the daily rotation in advance to accommodate everyones schedule.<BR><BR>The only dietary restrictions that I am aware of is NO MUSHROOMS. Iaen is allergic to mushrooms. If anyone else has restriction then speak up. Beyond that just make sure you fix good and hearty meals and that people aren't left hungry.<BR><BR>Monday = Iaen & Eadric ??<BR>Tuesday = JP and Marguerite ??<BR>Wednesday =<BR>Thursday =<BR>Friday =<BR>Saturday =<BR><BR>I figure Brian and Dawn will team up as will Carluccio and Mea. That leaves Patrick,
Eric, Leofwine, and Donnchad to divide into teams and take care of the remaining two days.<BR><BR>Everyone speak up, stake your claim and preference. Make sure you Reply-To-All.<BR> <BR>
<DIV class=moz-signature>-- <BR><FONT size=+1>HL Eadric Anstapa</FONT><BR>DSEM CA<BR><A href="mailto:eadric@scabrewer.com"><I>eadric@scabrewer.com</I></A><BR><BR><BR>Leofwine of Summersaeton<BR>Wayne Law<BR>Arrive Monday<BR>Tent 10 x 10<BR><BR>Eric Grayfox<BR>Martin Miles<BR>Arrive Monday<BR>Tent 12 x 9<BR><BR>Duncan de Piksle<BR>Rex Pixley<BR>Arrive Monday<BR>Tent 10 x 10 <BR><BR>Brian MacCael <BR>Brian Stanley<BR>Arrive Monday<BR>Tent x<BR><BR>Dawn<BR>Arrive Monday<BR>Tent ?<BR><BR>Patrick of Kilkenny<BR>Patrick Breslin<BR>Arrive Wednesday<BR>Tent -- likely with Eadric or ?<BR><BR>Carluccio di Bia<BR>Chad Sweeten<BR>Arrive Monday<BR>Tent 12 x 9<BR><BR>Mea Passavanti<BR>Jennifer Forsyth<BR>Arrive Monday<BR>Tent x<BR><BR>Jean Paul de Calmont<BR>Paul Thorne<BR>Early On<BR>Tent x 12 x 15<BR><BR>Maria Thorne<BR>Marguerite Du Bois<BR>Early On<BR>Tent with Jean Paul<BR><BR>Iaen Mor<BR>John Moore<BR>Early on<BR>Tent
12 x 10<BR><BR>Eadric Anstapa<BR>Scott Mills<BR>Early On<BR>Tent 16 x 16<BR>
<P></P></DIV></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV><BR><BR>In service <br>Donnchad de Piksle<br>"Walk softly, but carry a big stick!"<p>
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