Greetings to all<br><br>Sorry I am late getting this out. This last Sunday was a wonderful practice! Lords Tora, Eric, and Padric got to share their knowledge with Lord Engenulf, Gregor and Ager. Lady Alesone, Patrick of Gate's Edge, Cody, and I got to watch and visit.
<br><br>Please join us at the park on Thursday from 7 pm til 9 pm. If you need directions, please email me off-list.<br><br>til then,<br>Racheal<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Lady Racheal no Ansteorra<br>mka Cherish Robinson
<br>Gate's Edge Chronicler<br>Secretary for Gate's Edge Knight Marshal<br>House Head for the Guild of St. Camillus de Lellis