Greetings once again,<br><br>This is your final reminder for the August issue of <span style="font-style: italic;">Over the Edge</span>. If you have art-work, songs, poems, stories, ETC, please get them to me by the 20th. This is 3 days from now. I will also need permission forms for any submission. I have emailed several of you directly asking for something from each...PLEASE get it to me in the next 3 days.
<br><br>ALSO if you have a birthday or anniversary coming up...please add it to the calendar or email it to me.<br><br>Thanks!!!<br>Racheal<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Lady Racheal no Ansteorra<br>mka Cherish Robinson<br>Gate's Edge Chronicler
<br>Secretary for Gate's Edge Knight Marshal<br>House Head for the Guild of St. Camillus de Lellis