Greetings to all,<br><br>We had a wonderful turn out yesterday! We would like to thank Centurian Thorgard; Lord Eric, Lord Padraic, Lord Wolfen, Lady Claire, Gregor, and Dakao for coming out to the park for our Sunday Fighter Practice.
<br><br>This week on Tuesday night from 6:30 pm til 9 pm, we have Armour's Guild meeting at Lord Ramons' home. (For directions please email me or Lord Ramons.)<br><br>Then on Thursday night from 7 pm til 9 pm, we will have Fighter Practice at Meyer Park. This will be a Chiv fighting practice. (Again, for directions, please email me.)
<br><br>In Service,<br>Racheal<br><br clear="all">BTW - HAPPY BIRTHDAY THORGARD!!!<br><br>-- <br>Lady Racheal no Ansteorra<br>mka Cherish Robinson<br>Gate's Edge Chronicler<br>Secretary for Gate's Edge Knight Marshal<br>House Head for the Guild of St. Camillus de Lellis