<div>Wow - we had a good crowd last night! Missed those that were unable to make it but hopefully you will be there on Sunday.</div>
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<div>Lords Tora and Engenulf marshaled while Lords Eric, Padraic, and Ramons as well as Brian did some fighting. Lady Alesone had her hands full with the Spradley boys and her own son Patrick. </div>
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<div>I enjoyed my conversations with Tony and Lady Gabrielle de Glastonbury who is now living in the Shire of Gate's Edge. There was another man and his daughter that stopped by to see what was going on.</div>
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<div>Lord Tora would like to invite everyone to the park this Sunday for our last practice before the event. Practice will be from 4-6 pm at Meyer Park. </div>
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<div>In Service,</div>
<div>Racheal<br>-- <br>Lady Racheal no Ansteorra<br>mka Cherish Robinson<br>Gate's Edge Chronicler<br>Secretary for Gate's Edge Knight Marshal<br>Deputy Hospitaler<br>House Head for the Guild of St. Camillus de Lellis </div>