Greetings to one and all,<br><br>I would like to thank the following people for coming out to Drachenstich Festspiele and participating.<br><br>On our Chiv field - <br>Lord Mattias of Gate's Edge - He was our out-going Champion and ran the list.
<br>We had 12 Chiv fighters -- <br>Our new Champion - Sir Rhodri Apgwythyr (Shadowlands)<br>Centurian Michael of Gravesend (Stargate)<br>Lord Georges Le Breton (Gate's Edge)<br>Lord Madog of Gilastonbury (Loch Soilleir)<br>
Lord Tora no Ansteorra (Gate's Edge)<br>Dalan De Santiago (Loch Soilleir)<br>Don Robert Mac Pharland (Stargate)<br>Lord Eric Grayfox (Gate's Edge) -- Who also helped Marshal<br>Centurian Thorgard Inn Svarti (Gate's Edge)
<br>Baron William Wescott (Loch Soilleir) -- Who also helped Marshal<br>HL Eoin mor Wythrspon (Gate's Edge) -- Who also helped Marshal<br>Jean Clisson (Gate's Edge)<br><br>We also had Wolfen and Fergus Stout help Marshal.
<br>Wolfen and Lord Brian O'h Uilliam helped as Field Heralds for the Chiv list.<br><br>On our Rapier field - <br>Don Robert Mac Pharland (Stargate) - Our out-going Champion who ran the list.<br>We had 7 fighters come out for Rapier --
<br>Don Brian - Our new Champion<br>Lord Ceallach Mac Donal<br>Lord Madog of Gilastonbury (Loch Soilleir)<br>Lord Malachai Morgan<br>Lady Dominika Tesheia (Shadowlands)<br>Baron William Wescott (Loch Soilleir)<br>Lord Brian O'h Uilliam (Loch Soilleir)
<br><br>Baroness Gwen and several of the Rapier fighters helped Marshal.<br><br>On the Youth Boffer field<br>We had one youth -- Patrick of Gate's Edge<br>And thanks also go to Sir Rhodri for helping on the Youth Boffer field.
<br><br>Thank you all for keeping me busy all day! It was wonderful to see each of you fighting for the chance of being Gate's Edge Champion.<br clear="all"><br><br>
At the List Table - <br>
Baroness Neassa helped with the Rapier List.<br>
Newcomers Tony, Carla, and Margo all from Gate's Edge.<br>
And HL Annes was my back up.<br>
<br>Thank you for helping me watch the fighters, making sure they had water to drink, and keeping me company throughout the day.<br><br>For everyone else, it was a pleasure to see you at our event and I look forward to seeing you at another.
<br><br>In Service,<br>Racheal<br><br>-- <br>Lady Racheal no Ansteorra<br>mka Cherish Robinson<br>Gate's Edge Chronicler<br>Secretary for Gate's Edge Knight Marshal<br>Deputy Hospitaler<br>House Head for the Guild of St. Camillus de Lellis