Greetings all<br><br>To those not attending the Archery Practice you do have an alternative...Fiber Arts Guild will be meeting at Carla's home from 10 am til ?<br><br>Carla has planned on making <font color="black" face="Times New Roman" size="3">
<span style="font-size: 12pt; color: black;">shrimp and pasta with fettuccine
sauce, salad, and hot French garlic bread for lunch.<br><br>I know that Tony and Bobby will be attending and working on Tony's new garb. Tora and I will be late but working on some Kimonos. So grab any projects you have and give Carla a call for directions...281-352-5337 or 281-462-0263.
<br><br>See you there!<br>Racheal<br><br></span></font>-- <br>Lady Racheal no Ansteorra
<br>mka Cherish Robinson<br>Gate's Edge Chronicler<br>Secretary for Gate's Edge Knight Marshal<br>Deputy Hospitaler<br>House Head for the Guild of St. Camillus de Lellis