<div>Hello Everybody,</div> <div> </div> <div>At populace we discussed the bids to be presented to Kingdom regarding the gifts for Crown. We have decided to put bids in for the side tables and kneeling pillows. (details can be found on the link sent out by Lady Natalia) We would like to submit a formalized bid to Kingdom regarding the gifts we would like to make, so if you are interested please submit a bid to myself with the Seneschal in copy. The deadline for this is 3pm the day of our business meeting. The officers will go over the bids at that time.</div> <div> </div> <div>If you have any questions please let me know!</div> <div> </div> <div>Thanks!</div> <div>Sabine</div><p>
<hr size=1>Don't pick lemons.<br>
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