<div>Greetings Shire!</div>
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<div>Yes, Queen's Champion will still happen. But it's raining, you say. Don't forget, Camp Camwood has that beautiful, huge covered pavillion; large enough to hold 4 list fields and all the observers who wish to attend.
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<div>In light of the latest weather forecast, it looks like we will be holding all activities said pavillion. As such, I have a request: could everyone please bring any rugs and/or towels that you can. This way we can hopefully have a place/way for people to dry their feet as they enter the pavillion - we don't want anyone slipping on the concrete and breaking an ankle (or worse).
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<div>I will be leaving here around, so if anyone wants to contact me regarding todays set-up activities, you can reach me by cell 713-591-3763. PLease don't call by cell until 12:00.</div>
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<div>Thanks so much,</div>
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