Let My voice be herad through out the Lands of the<br>Coastal region of Ansteorra!<br><br>It is not plows that are being made in the forges of<br>Trimaris. It is swords, spear points and arrowheads.<br>It is not sleepless ness that are keeping those living
<br>near the Trimarian armourers awake through the night,<br>but the ceaseless ring of hammers.<br><br>We must prepare one and all for this Spring we may<br>once again be forced to march east to meet the threat<br>of Trimarian foes...
<br><br>------------------<br><br>Yep, pre-registration for Gulf Wars is open!!!!<br><br>Pre-register now and often...LOL<br><br>Once again, I am the Coastal Land Steward.<br>Pre-registeration garantees you land in the Coastal
<br>Encampment. Once you have pre-registered, please send<br>me your tent dimensions, including space for ropes,<br>what group you will be camping with, and who will be<br>camping in your tent.<br><br>E-mail be at <a href="mailto:chemistbb3@yahoo.com">
chemistbb3@yahoo.com</a><br><br>Yes, it is understood that this year's spring break<br>falls on the wrong week for most schools in Ansteorra,<br>so it is important for all those who can to come to<br>Gulf War this year to serve your Kingdom.
<br><br>William Wescott of Welewen<br>Coastal Land Steward<br><br>