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Greetings All, thank you to all who came and joined us at our
Harvest's End event this past weekend in the Shire of Gate's Edge. I
would like to take a few moments to summarize for everyone how the
archery community spent their day here.<br>
First... Thank you to Lord Padraic on Kilkenny for being a great
Marshal In Charge and making sure that everything that needed to be
done was done and thank you to all the crew that came and helped. <br>
Second... Engenulf, Iaen, Frederic, Karrick, Irena, and Leofwine as
always when these events happen I am proud to be associated with you
all. Many hands makes for lighter work and the fact that your hands
are always there to help is a significant advantage to our archery
Third... Thank you to LORD Frederic de la Costas for be a fine Archery
Champion for Gates Edge over the past year. He has represented us well
over the past year and has been very active in the Shire's Archery
Community during that time. Since winning our competition last year he
has become a Target Archery Marshal, a Combat Archery Marshal, a
Veteran of Gulf Wars, has made several fine crossbows and other pieces
of archery equipment, won the Loch Sollier Archery Championship, and
was called into court this past weekend and presented with an Award of
Arms by Their Royal Majesties. Thank you and congratulations LORD
The tournament itself had 24 competitors and was close. How close?
Points wise it was a three way tie between Sir Karl, Lord Carluccio,
and HL Leofwine. Yep, thats right a three way tie between three former
Royal Huntsmen with a fourth former Royal Huntsman in Don Christoforo
not far behind them. In the end HL Leofwine was declared the
champion as his long legs propelled him into to another great Seneca
Run score. HL Leofwine completed this years Seneca Run in 2 minutes
and 38 seconds.<br>
For those not familiar with the Seneca Run that means he ran several
hundred yards shooting at 7 different targets and had to get into IKCAC
combat gear at the last station and he did it all in 2m38s or 22.6
seconds per target. <br>
His per target time was not as good for him as last year where he
completed a 6 station run in 1m58s or a 19.7s per target, but for
those of you who have competed in the run I think you will agree that
if adding a seventh target to the run only added 3 seconds per target
to your time then you were still rockin and rollin right along.<br>
We made some new friends and greatly enjoyed th company of HE Caleb
Reynolds, the Baron of Rhydderich Hael in the Kingdom of AEthelmearc.
Baron Caleb we hope you can come back and shoot with us again. <br>
To those friends who were not able to join us, we missed you sorely and
hope you come visit us soon. The Great Punkin shoot is about 6 weeks
away. <br>
Finally... In court Saturday evening Their Majesties awarded a Sable
Thistle for his accomplishments in <b>Toxophilitic Craftsmanship </b>to
Lord Padraic of Kilkenny. Pat, I have no words to adequately express
the honor and pride I have in being allowed to associate myself with
you. All of my Arcarius, current and former, lift me up.<br>
With Warm Regards,<br>
Eadric Anstapa<br>