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Still without power. They say thursday....I will believe it when I see it. Thankfully, my neighbor across the street has power and has so graciously allowed me to run an extension cord across the street. Makes working from home a little easier. Have a gas water heater and a stove, so can still get hot showers and can cook when I feel the need to. <BR> <BR>Am on my way to Wichita Falls at the moment....here's hoping when I get home tomorrow that the power will have come back on!<BR> <BR>Sarra<BR><br /><hr />Want to do more with Windows Live? Learn “10 hidden secrets” from Jamie. <a href='http://windowslive.com/connect/post/jamiethomson.spaces.live.com-Blog-cns!550F681DAD532637!5295.entry?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_domore_092008' target='_new'>Learn Now</a></body>