Greetings all<br><br>I have the privilege of judging the bardic competition for Gates Edge's Championship at Celtic Harvest.<br><br>The competition will require <br>1. Your best piece;<br>2. A song, story, or poem based on two elements drawn at sign in and incorporating the event theme, and;<br>
3. A third piece at the ready in the event there is a tie.<br><br>Sign in will be at 11:30 am<br>Competition will begin at 1:00 pm<br><br>Baron Ihon Vinson macFergus, OL<br>Titled Bard of Gate's Edge<br><br><br><br>
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"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass . . .<br>it's about learning how to dance in the rain!" <br><br>Unknown (but I wish it had been me)<br>