<div>Dear Populace,</div>
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<div>I have had some major issues with my connection on my home computer. I would have posted earlier but I had to get the log-in information for the chronicler's email and get it up here to my school. The connection issue is why you have not seen the newsletter on the Shire site yet. Nor have I sent it in to Kingdom or Regional yet for the same reasons. </div>
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<div>I intend to bring some copies to populace for any who want them. I am probably going to have to put the newsletter onto a flash drive and bring it up here to school to send to the webminister and to my upline. The connection issues are going to probably necessitate my staying home to wait on a technician to come out and right now with finals is a very bad time for me to be out of work.</div>
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<div>So if you have been wondering, that is the reason you haven't seen it yet. It is my hope to resolve this soon as it is a hard way to start the new year!! :(<br clear="all"><br>-- <br></div>
<div>Mst. Annes</div>
<div>Gatesedge Chronicler</div><br>