<div>Sorry for not thinking of the list until just now. I know many will have already made other plans.</div>
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<div>Tonight at 6 pm at the home of our Minister of Arts & Sciences, Lady Gisele de Biere, will be the first meeting of the Gatesedge Trebuchet Tarts Interested Parties. This is an hour long meeting to determine several things:</div>
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<div>1. Is there an interest within the shire to have one or more seige engine teams?</div>
<div>2. If the interest is there, how can this be accomplished and what sort of seige weapons will we explore?</div>
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<div>If you can attend, I know of at least 7 who have said that they do intend to be there. If you need directions, email myself or Lady Gisele.</div>
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<div>Hope to see you there.</div>