<div id="2ae03896d0bf4fe2bf78eb4509ec962a" class="content">Annes, I want to reach a few of the GE folks who came to our class at KC this weekend; could you help by posting this?<br><br>If you were at Kings College and took the Leather Worker's Guild Local #484<br>
cup-making and taste-testing class, we would like to send you a special<br>bonus via post. Please email us (privately: seoseaweed @TT geeee male d0t<br>c0m) your physical address and you will receive a special package in the<br>
mail courtesy of a grateful #484.<br>It will be both useful and entertaining... and also potentially dangerous<br>(See #484 OFFICIAL OATH).<br>Yours,<br><br>Hanse Kleermaker<br>LWG Local #484 Bryn Gwlad Chapter<br>Sgt at Arms</div>
<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Annes<br>"Munerius Ultra Sanitas"<br>