GL - Sources for books

Susan Brockington susanb at
Tue Feb 20 13:52:38 PST 2001

Here are 2 books I thought some of you might be interested in:

"Medieval Rural Life in the Luttrell Psalter" by Janet Backhouse

"Medieval Warfare in Illuminated Manuscripts" by Pamela Porter

I ordered, and have just received, my copy of "Medieval Warefare in 
Illuminated Manuscripts" by Pamela Porter.  It's a nice, brief 
introduction to fighting in the middle ages as portrayed in 
illuminated manuscripts.  There were lots and lots of nice pretty 
pictures (along with the references).  It's 64 pages and has 45 color 
pictures.  I paid $19.95 for my copy from

And here's a link for more of the same type of books:

Just thought I would pass this along.  Happy reading.


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