GL - Gulf Wars

Theresa Wyatt teebyrd at
Sun Mar 18 18:53:31 PST 2001

Susan Carol Tribble wrote:

> HL Ceinwen wrote something like:
> > I fought rapier this weekend for the first time and killed three of the
> > enemies and stayed alive in 2 of the 6 battles.  Ansteorra faired well in
> > the war points, but we do not know the total outcome of War.
> Way to go Ceinwen!

Hooray for Ceinwen ! Glaslyn is safe from those nasty tiny men. Glad you are

> > Harries received an Acorn from the Steppes.  Vivat Harries!!!
> Way to go Herries!!!!!!

> Yippy  for Herries !!!!!! Way to go Herries !!!!!

> > Looking forward to seeing you all again and recounting the stories of Gulf
> > Wars X.
> I'm looking forward to the stories too!  Maybe next year David and I can
> go!
> Lavina
> Maybe all of Glaslyn can go next year. I'm gald everyone return safe and
> sound.


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> ***ladylavina at***
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