[Glaslyn] Important Information Re: Poulace Tonight

Kellie Hardy khemail at swbell.net
Thu Apr 25 07:37:12 PDT 2002

Greetings everyone,
We are encouraging everyone to attend Populace at Iames and Liadan's
house this evening.  Warlord is upon us, and we will spend a good bit of
time discussing preparations for this event.  IT IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT
Scheduling needs to be dealt with, and we need your feedback!

We will also be talking about Artisan, which is only four months away.
We will be closing bids tonight, so if you have a bid that you are
holding on to, you need to turn it in TONIGHT.  Since we do not have a
site booked, please come with names and phone numbers of all the sites
you know about which could be used for Artisan.  The entire Metroplex is
fair game.  If you have contact and pricing info as well, so much the
better.   It is a trememdous help to those who have the tough task of
stewarding an event, to have some clues where to begin the search.

We would also like to hear from representatives from Glaslyn and
Lindenwood tonight, regarding their respective upcoming events.  We need
to hear from Glaslyn especially.

Sorry, it looks like this is going to be a working Populace, but it's
that time of year again!  Bring snacks and drinks to share and we'll
have a good time together, anyway!   Looking forward to a full house

Catrin Steppes

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