Kellie Hardy khemail at swbell.net
Fri Mar 1 20:39:22 PST 2002

YAAAAAAYYY!   Thank you, thank you, thank you to Noble and Donna for
wheeling and dealing this for us!   Jewels in their crowns, for sure!
Come on, everybody... No excuses now--come play in the warm, beer-filled
hall with us!  We apparently have this booth for both days, and like
Iames said, if you come early, you will not need passes and we can save
them for more people to come and help out.
Fighters, we still need you!  Space considerations notwithstanding, we
can still do some low-speed, controlled exercises to show off, and we do
have free-standing list stanchions that we will put up for safety.
Besides, you know you look cool even just standing there, and you are
the biggest draw by far!
Archers, looks like it might be a show-and-tell only.  But we still need
that.  We have a lot of neat stuff to share with the folks.
Can you tell how psyched I am knowing I won't be freezing and wet
tomorrow?  I can't wait...this will be so much fun.  See you guys


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