[Glaslyn] Photos from Gulf Wars XI and Candelmas

Armand Dragonetti dragonetti at generich.com
Wed Mar 20 18:20:24 PST 2002

Greetings my friends, (and those I have yet to meet),

By the generosity of my Lady Ameline, I now have photos from Candelmas as
well as Gulf Wars online in my album. They can be found at:

Candelmas: http://www.generich.com/elfsea/page89.htm
Gulf Wars: http://www.generich.com/elfsea/page90.htm

There are no captions as of now, but I hope to add some later this evening.
After that, please help me identify mis-spellings, wrong titles or any other
mistakes. Thanks!

In the service of Kingdom & Crown, I remain,
Lord Armand Dragonetti

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