[Glaslyn] Attention Leatherworkers!

kellie H kgsfa86 at swbell.net
Wed Apr 21 14:26:20 PDT 2004

How would you like to kill an hour at Warlord escaping the heat in the air-conditioned hall, share your knowledge with some eager students, spend no money doing it, and have the gratitude of many people for your effort?
Then teach a simple leatherworking class for Children's Activities!  
The project wil be simple by neccessity, and you will have teacher's assistants to help you at all times.  We will ask you to bring your own tools to help fill in the gaps, but the materials wil be provided.  
Please contact HE Catrin at the above address (do not respond to the list at large, please) or by phone at 214-821-1223.  A response is humbly requested by 10 pm tomorrow (Thurs. 4/22).  Your service to the children wil be time well spent.  Thank you!
Catrin Brynmorgan
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