[Glaslyn] Equestrian at Defender of the Flame?

Lothar Wildehaer rampanthare at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 12 18:20:18 PST 2004

IMHO We have tried to keep our tournies from overlapping, I don't see how we could add a 4th. Also thats another prize basket to fill.

M TURNAGE <ceinwen7777777 at hotmail.com> wrote:Greetings Glaslyn Populace,

The Equestrian Marshal of Steppes would like to know if we would like to 
have equestrian activities at our event? What do you all think?

For those of you who are not familiar with the site, it is a wonderful site 
for horses. Lots of trails and plenty of water for the horses to drink 

Please email me with your comments and we'll need to discuss this at our 
next meeting.

In service,
Glaslyn Defender of the Flame Event Steward

>From: "L LeChatton" 
>Reply-To: llechatton at longcoeur.com
>To: ceinwen7777777 at hotmail.com
>Subject: RE: [Ansteorra-announce] Glaslyn's Defender of the Flame Event - 
>March26-28, 2004
>Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 12:21:02 -0600
>That's a great site for horses. Would you like for me to arrange equestrian 
>Lisa LeChatton
>Rockwall, Tx

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In service,
Ld. Lothar
Aliena Optimun Frui Insania
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