[Glaslyn] No Volunteers Means No Children's Activities!

kellie H kgsfa86 at swbell.net
Fri May 21 12:49:49 PDT 2004

Greetings Friends and Neighbors,
As of today, I have no names on my sign up sheets to help with children's activities at Warlord.  I can't do it alone, and the teachers can't teach without helpers.  If I don't get some volunteers to commit to a time slot, I will be forced to suspend children's activities and send your kids back to you for the entire day.  Not my favorite plan...I hope not yours, either.  
If you're a parent, you should help out.  If you're not, you will be doing a greater good deed.  
Please respond to the address above to volunteer an hour or two of your time; thank you very much, indeed.
CA Coordinator
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