[Glaslyn] Demo/Fall Court News and Announcements

ylwrose2 at juno.com ylwrose2 at juno.com
Wed Oct 13 11:30:37 PDT 2004

Whew!  Finally catching my breath, but only for a moment.

What a day and evening! !  The demo on Saturday was well-staffed, thanks
to many good gentles and nobles alike.  Thank you to everyone who made
the effort to come out despite the moist climate, especially to everyone
from Elfsea.  HL Raimon and Lady Aurelia from Elfsea were there, as were
two of their newcomers Jean Michel and Muirenn.  I'm sure there were
others there, but their names escape me.  But their contributions are no
less appreciated.  We were slightly less staffed on Sunday, but made a
good showing anyway.  Fortunately, everything dried out enough that we
didn't have to pack up anything while it was wet. 

Thank you also to Lord Bre'nain, Lady Gerita and HL Saqra for their
assistance in coordinating and advertising the two events.  Lady Anne,
Lord Bre'nain, HL Raimon, M'Lord Jean Michel, M'lady Muirenn, and Lord
Agilwulf assisted with set-up.  Thank you to ALL of the artisans who
brought displays, and took turns speaking with the many curious folk who
stopped by the Baronial Pavilion.  Thank you also, Lord Bre'nain and Lady
Anne for setting up your "dressing pavilion".  It came in quite handy for
the fighters and late comers to Fall Court.  Thanks also to the fighters
who dazzled the spectators, and those who marshalled and answered
questions.  I ask the pardon and forgiveness of each of the participants
for not being able to name each of you individually.  Your contributions
at this important event are invaluable.

Fall Court was a success despite the rain.  HL Saqra was quite correct
about the feast.  We had plenty of food for everyone and everyone seemed
to enjoy themselves.  A heartfelt "Thank You" goes to each of you who
came out for this relaxing event.  I saw many folk visiting and enjoying
themselves before Court began.  And the repast was tasty and filling.  I
wanted much more than I could eat. 

Centurion Morgan Buchanan did an excellent job of heralding Their
Excellencies Court.  Two "Japanese" newcomers were introduced to their
Excellencies, and despite the fact that they are exiled from their
homeland by the Emperor, Mahdi and Valeria granted them safe haven here
in Ansteorra.  During their introduction, Mahdi requested the counsel of
another of his Japanese subjects, Tenchi Sueko-san.  When the newcomers
were excused from Court, Mahdi asked Sueko to stay.  It was then that the
Herald read the scroll from The Majesties, Drake and Sibri, recognizing
Tenchi Sueko-san with a Sable Thistle in Japanese Culture. 
CONGRATULATIONS SUEKO!  VIVAT!  When the newcomers questioned the custom
here of allowing a woman to receive the award in her own hand, they
quickly learned that Ansteorran women are a force to be reckoned with. 

Court was closed shortly after that.  Many stayed a short while, and
there were many hands to help clean-up so it went quickly.

Please if I missed anything or anyone, don't hesitate to add that here on
the list.  I would enjoy hearing of friendships made or strengthened
during the days passing.

In Service
HL Francesca

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