[Glaslyn] Fighter Practice Cancelled

Ironwyrm ironwyrm at housearkham.com
Mon Feb 13 12:26:44 PST 2006

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well Master Airaklee!  
  I was just about to post the following message:
  I have been approached by a returning fighter now living in 
  the Glaslyn area who wants to attend Gulf War but needs 
  to get re-authorized.  He would like to make the Glaslyn 
  fighter practice but I do not know where it is held myself?
  He's not on any of the Ansteorran lists so if someone would 
  please forward the location, time, and maybe a phone number 
  of someone whom will be there (just in case they get lost) I 
  will forward that information along to them.
  PS: Hope you get to feeling better Wolf!

Doug Turnage <wolf7777777 at hotmail.com> wrote:
  Greetings Glaslyn

My apologies for this late post. I am cancelling fighter practice 
for tonight, I have become sick and it would not do me well to be out in the 
cool weather. Also please accept my apologies for not having a deputy to 
help out in this matter.

Thank you For Your Time


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