[Glaslyn] Cookies from Britney

kellie H kgsfa86 at swbell.net
Wed Jan 11 18:09:24 PST 2006

Hi SCA Friends, 
  My mom is typing this letter from me, so I can tell you that it's Cookie Time again!   I am selling Girls Scout Cookies.  This year my goal is 275 boxes of cookies.  If I sell that many, the Girl Scouts will pay part of my way to summer camp.  The more I sell, the more camp money I make.   I want to go to camp for two weeks this year.
  I hope I can come to the event this weekend, and I will bring my order form with me.  You can order cookies there.  Or, you can [reply -ed ]  to this email and give me your phone number, and I will call you to get your order.   
  Some people ordered cookies from my mom at the event last weekend.  I want to tell you "thank you".   
  Even if you don't eat cookies, you should still order some, because our troop is giving cookies to the soldiers going to Iraq.  You can buy some boxes, and we will give yours to the soldiers.  It's called Troops to Troops.  They think it's cool to get Girl Scout cookies out in the desert.  I think you should eat some too though, because they're really good!
  Well, that's all.  Thank you, and I hope you write back.  Love, 
  Britney Hardy
  Fritz and Catrin's daughter
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