[Glaslyn] Warlord Gate Schedule

Faelan Caimbeul faelancaimbeul at gmail.com
Fri May 16 23:37:33 PDT 2008

Hey everyone, here's the gate schedule as it sits now.

Name 	Shift
Fionnghuala 	Friday noon-3PM
  	Friday noon-3PM
Marcus Flavis 	Friday 3pm-6pm
Beah 	Friday 3pm-6pm
Lady Lady Regan 	Friday 6pm-9pm
Baron Robin of Gilwell 	Friday 6pm-9pm
Lessa  	Friday 6pm-9pm
Lady Caitrina Inghean Mhurchadha 	Friday 9pm-Midnight
Baroness Katheryn 	Friday 9pm-Midnight
Lady Elizabeth Seal 	Friday 9pm-Midnight
Suzanna the Herbalist 	Friday 9pm-Midnight
Baroness Serena 	Friday Midnight-2am
Mike 	Friday Midnight-2am
Christianna (aka Liz of Flower Mound) 	Saturday 7am-10am
  	Saturday 7am-10am
  	Saturday 7am-10am
Fionnghuala 	Saturday 10am-1pm
  	Saturday 10am-1pm
  	Saturday 10am-1pm
Lessa  	Saturday 1pm-4pm
  	Saturday 1pm-4pm
  	Sunday 9am-noon
  	Sunday 9am-noon

As you can see, we still need people for Saturday and Sunday. Friday is 
pretty well taken care of. Thanks to everyone who's volunteered so far! 
Friday should be the hardest night, and Saturday will be easy. If you 
can help, please volunteer!

Please note some of the times are different from what those of you who 
signed up at business meeting have seen. Also, Saturday got pushed back 
an hour to start at 7am instead of 6am. Saturday is important, 
especially in the morning since a lot of fighters tend to show up in the 
morning and want to make armor inspection at 8-ish.

Thanks again to everyone!

Faelan Caimbeul
Barony of the Steppes
Kingdom of Ansteorra
and all around pain in the butt ;-)

"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security."

			Ben Franklin

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